Tana Ross

Tana Ross

Freke Vuijst

Freke Vuijst

About Us

Tana Ross and Freke Vuijst started making documentaries together in the early 1980’s. They have made films about youth culture, music, dance, religion, and politics. Recurrent themes in their work are race, poverty, faith and crossing racial and economic boundaries. Their films have been broadcast in the US and Europe, and were featured, and awarded prizes, at film festivals all over the world.


Freke Vuijst has made numerous documentary films. Besides the films she made together with Tana Ross, she produced and directed documentaries for the Inter-Church Broadcasting Company of The Netherlands. They ranged from bio-films about theologian Harvey Cox and writer Chaim Potok to investigative films about the Christian Right. She is also the co-author of three non-fiction books: The Half-Jewish Book (Villard/Random House) and the Dutch language books XTC-Smokkel and Dood Spoor.
As a foreign correspondent working in America, she has covered everything from elections to foreign policy for Dutch radio, television, and print media. For eight years she was the on-camera correspondent for a daily news program. Currently, she is the American correspondent for Vrij Nederland, a leading news magazine in The Netherlands. 


Tana Ross together with Freke Vuijst is the co-founder of Green Room Productions. Apart from the films she made with Freke she was involved in the production of the acclaimed animated documentary Silence, in addition to doing production work for numerous European film companies. As a guide and photographer she has traveled the world and her photographs have appeared in newspapers and magazines and in two books published in Sweden on Mexican culture and culinary traditions Tequila and Mexikansk Matresa  as well as an art book with artist  Lenke Rothman entitled OK, New York, New York and a children’s book Donde Esta Shmatte.